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The Scots Confession.-1560-The National Church of Scotland.-This document constitutes the first confession of faith sworn and ratified by the nation of Scotland at the time of the Reformation.

The First Book of Discipline.-1560-The National Church of Scotland.-This was written by John Knox and others to direct the nation in its efforts to bring reformation to the entire nation. It made provision for temporary expedients and the erecting of features intended to be permanent in the Church of Scotland.

The Book of Common Order.-1562-The National Church of Scotland-Originally published in 1556 for use in Geneva, this book was placed into use as part of uniformity by the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, in 1562.

The Second Book of Discipline.-1578-The National Church of Scotland.-In this Second Book of Policy, the government of the church is a settled state is set forth with its duties and obligations as a national establishment of religion.

The Confession of Faith of the Kirk of Scotland.-1580-The National Church of Scotland.-This is the second Scottish confession, also called the National Covenant, or Negative Confession. To this is appended the acts of Parliament and additions made at the renewal, in 1638.

Good Newes From the Assembly in Scotland, now sitting in consultation, Concerning their Ecclesiastical Government in the Church.-1642-Nationl Church of Scotland.-This is a letter issued describing some of the features of the church government in Scotland, their several functions coupled with a declaration that they have been consciously conformed to Scripture and the usages of other Reformed churches.